A movement has no leader, it is not lead by one individual's perception or their ideology of what the world should be.
A movement is an infinity of individual's, together they are driven by collective ideology, one that is fuelled by love and connection to all.
Daisy Valentine
A collective hub for creative expression and free thinking individuals...
Creating space to bring people together ...
We - Us - You and I,
Merely a collective of minds composed by individual journeys of intricate experiences delivering our unique viewpoint of the world around us.
It's about pushing the boundaries of comfortable, exploring and challenging our perception of the world around us to gain a deeper understanding of who we are as individuals and the collective wisdom we share.
Re-wilding your being and returning to a more natural state of living is the journey to freedom and well-being.
We belong to the natural world, our bodies have the innate intelligence to heal and thrive with the right ingredients.
Plant medicines, herbs and mushrooms are our connection and source to wellness and healing.

Daiba Fungi
Bringing you Earth's most intelligent and beautiful wild medicines.
These medicines help us to build more authentic relationships with our body, mind and being, creating a deeper connection with our self and our consciousness.
Mushrooms help us tune into our inner intelligence and observe our patterns, behaviours, supporting our emotional clarity.
Published in tears of swords